Our services in Church are at 10.00 am each week and follow the pattern below. Children are always welcome in the Church.
1st Sunday - Parish Communion service
This is an informal communion, where the administration of the bread and wine alternates from individual cups and bread to intinction (wafer is dipped in wine and placed in the hands of the receiver). In all cases the minister comes among the people and shares. Worship is a mix of contemporary songs and great hymns.
2nd Sunday - Morning Worship. Service of the word (no Communion).
Worship is a mix of contemporary songs and great hymns.
3rd Sunday - Morning Worship. Service of the word (no Communion).
Worship is a mix of contemporary songs and great hymns.
4th Sunday - Together at 10
Informal all age service which is light and fun. It is in this service Baptisms are celebrated. Worship is a mix of contemporary songs that are lively and full of actions.
5th Sunday (where applicable) - Praise service
We stand and lift our hands praise, praise, praise.
Every Wednesday at 10am. Parish prayers and Communion.
Spirit led open prayer and a relaxed Agape style communion.
Weddings, Baptisms, and Funerals
Enquiries for baptism, marriage or reading of Banns or funerals and for room bookings can be made to: Revd Iain Robertson 01420 576615
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